Believe Together
The first step to raising a strong family is to believe that God is our loving Heavenly Father. We are His children. He understands and feels our sorrows and rejoices in our progress. He has given us this experience on the earth so we can learn and grow.
Heavenly Father has provided us, His children, with a way to be successful in this life and to return to live in His presence. He sent his son Jesus Christ to show us how to return to live with Him. It is called the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Plan of Salvation.

Share Together
With so many social, peer, and worldly influences bombarding the family, it is essential that families take time to share their family heritage and build family relationships. Family time allows parents to teach moral values, develop character, and build resilience in their children.
Connecting our children to their heritage strengthens their identity and sense of belonging. Spending time to talk about life challenges helps children learn problem solving skills.
Designating one night a week as “family time” to have fun together, support each other, and learn about God’s divine plan of happiness is the second step to raising a strong family.

God is our loving Father in Heaven. Prayer is a personal way we communicate and feel God's love for us. He answers us through personal revelation. Strength, resilience, and power from God comes into our families as we pray together.
If you have questions about prayer, you’re not alone. Let us share with you how the power of prayer can bless your life and your family.

Meeting with others who love God and love their neighbors will strengthen your children and family. Gaining friends and building a community of love help us support each other in our challenges. As we focus on Jesus Christ as our Savior and our Redeemer, we learn of Him, and we strive to follow Him. As we come together to learn of him, He gives us strength and peace in this life.​
Each Sunday we partake of the Sacrament to remember and take upon us the name of Jesus Christ.
We worship together in reading both ancient scriptures (Bible and Book of Mormon) and modern scripture through living prophets today. God has always spoken to his children through prophets (ancient scriptures), so why not today? Everyone is welcome to worship with us as we strive to become disciples of Jesus Christ.

Build Together
Serving together builds love together. Loving God and loving our neighbors are the two great commandments. Serving and loving is how we find true joy and happiness in this life. When children serve, they develop character and compassion, empathy, and awareness of those around them. They become less selfish and become more selfless.
Service is one of the most powerful ways to build a strong and resilient family. We believe in caring for those in need. As a church, we donate our time, talents, and resources to help the hungry, the poor, and any the Lord leads us to. We invite your family to join with us and find joy in helping those around us.